Forming our world view
For many of us, our view of the world is unclear. What do we think we know for sure and how did we arrive at those beliefs? For me, most of what I have learnt and believe has come through reading books, some of which I’ve shared here.
VC: An American History
A review of VC: An American History, an insightful book documenting the origins of the venture capital (VC) industry right through to the important role it plays today.
Reflecting on certifications
My thoughts on certifications in general after working through the Associate level certifications offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Books to read this summer
A selection of fascinating books, fiction and non-fiction to read this summer!
The best kind of code
The best kind of code is the code you don’t have to write, or is it?
The Great Mental Models: General Thinking Concepts
A review of Shane Parrish’s excellent first volume in the study of mental models and how they can change the way we see and interact with the world.
The learning journey with Bitcoin
My view on the journey of learning about Bitcoin and the unexpected value that such a pursuit provides.
Investing To Save The Planet
A review of the fascinating Investing To Save The Planet. This book provides a compelling outline of the green investing landscape and how we can all play a part.
Cloud Native
A review of the excellent Cloud Native, a book that provides a comprehensive overview of the cloud computing paradigm and the tools and services that it offers.
Too much information
My view on the information explosion and how it may be a blessing and a curse.
The Million Dollar Irishman
A review of The Million Dollar Irishman, an Omagh man’s journey from humble beginnings and a near-death experience to The City of London and everything in between.
Books to read this Christmas
Some of the great books that I think people would really enjoy and get a lot from this Christmas.
A review of Anne Boden’s new book, BANKING ON IT where she shares her amazing story about how she built a new bank from scratch.
A review of Matthew McConaughey’s new and thought-provoking memoir, Greenlights.
Books v. Cigarettes
A short review of Books v. Cigarettes, a collection of essays by the great George Orwell.
The Road to Conscious Machines: The Story of AI
A review of The Road to Conscious Machines, a fascinating insight into artificial intelligence (AI), its origins and its exciting future from an important figure in the field.
Super Pumped
A review of Super Pumped, a thrilling account on the rise of Uber and Travis Kalanick’s subsequent fall from grace.
The tech companies I back (in my head)
Some of the technology companies, established and new, that I would back if I had the capital/opportunity. In the meantime I’ll have to write about them.
Living Better
A review of Alastair Campbell’s new book, Living Better which details his battle with depression and the learnings along the way. A book that is as important today as any other.