What I’m reading in 2023

For most people, including myself, the start of a new year can act as a forcing function to help drive some positive changes. Those changes, whether they are personal, professional or for helping others, tend to involve some self-reflection followed by a plan of action or a symbol of intent. Plans of action can come in many forms, including resolutions, goal setting, system creation and in the context of reading, a read list.

Reading lists intrigue me for several reasons. Firstly, they give you a small insight into how other people think. Secondly, they show you what others are interested in and excited by. Finally, they help me to learn about my blind spots while also introducing me to new authors that I haven’t yet come across.

There is no shortage of reading lists out there and if you are looking for some inspiration, Good Books is a great place to start. As I alluded to earlier, reading lists provide a window into the mind of a person which can come with its own risks. People may not care for the authors that you like, the interests that you have or by identifying topics that you aren’t reading about, unreliable inferences can be made about your thoughts and beliefs. In my view, it’s naive and irresponsible to judge someone by their book list, but it does happen as Lex Fridman experienced recently.

I believe sharing what we read and what we plan to read is an invaluable practice for the person who wants to set a goal but also to let others know that there is a really great book out there, waiting to be read. With that being said and with an awareness of the risks involved, I share with you a list of books that I plan to read this year. Hopefully there is something here that you find interesting too!


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